February 27, 2025

Please ensure your child is following the below rules while online.

1) Students need to have a camera to attend classes.

2) During the class, the Teacher may choose to mute all the microphones. Students should not unmute the microphone unless asked by the teacher.

3) Do not use the chat window unless the student wants to ask a question to the teacher or to answer the questions raised by the teacher. Our administrators will watch the chat window and warn students to stop unnecessary chatting. If the chatting continues the student will be banned from the class.

4) We strictly do not tolerate cyber bullying. Please advice the students to avoid comments and quips against other students and, or teachers via chat or audio

5) The student who interrupts the class either by talking over the microphone or chat with the intention to disrupt will be banned from the current class and also risks being banned for future online classes.

6) Since this is an online session, Parents should monitor student’s activities as much as possible to ensure they are benefiting from the session. Parents need not help the student answer the questions posed by the teacher. If the student has any doubts, please ask the teacher.

7) Students need to have their camera ON always during the class, no exceptions.

Follow the steps below to join online classes:

Step 1) Go to https://patasala.nyganeshtemple.org/ then click on online classes on the main page

Step 2) Choose the subject and when prompted, please type your full name if prompted. If you have already signed into google this step is not required

Step 3) Click Ask to Join and wait for the teacher to let you in

Step 4) When prompted, click allow camera and mic

Note: You can also use mobile devices to connect to the meeting, for this, google meet app is required and is available for iPhone and Android.